Traders & Exhibitors - Site Access
Arriving/Setting Up
For details on how to find us please see Maps and Traffic Systems.
Please note that the one-way system comes into operation from 9am until 5pm. Setting up can be carried out either Monday 12th September between 2pm and 9pm or on Tuesday 13th September (Fair Day) between 7.30am and 9am. Property left overnight is the responsibility of the stall / exhibit holder.
Vehicles will only be allowed to move/pick up on the Fairfield on Fair Day between 6.00pm and 8.00pm.
Exhibitors will receive a single parking permit. Please display that vehicle parking permit on your windscreen when you arrive at the Fairfield. This will enable stewards to identify you and get you onto the field as quickly as possible. The parking permit must be displayed in the vehicle windscreen when parked in the reserved parking area.
There is parking for one vehicle provided/reserved, for each trade stand/exhibit, in a field next to the Fairfield*, which is nearby but not immediately adjacent to your pitch. Please park nose or tail on to the hedge, but not lengthways. Additional vehicles can be parked in the adjacent Great Close car park on payment of the appropriate car parking fee on the day. Any vehicles which are not an essential or functional feature of a stand/exhibit must be moved/parked up NO LATER THAN 9.00.AM on Fair Day.
*if this parking becomes full then the permit parking will be provided in Great Close car park.
All Livestock exhibitors/vehicles must be occupying allocated situations by 9am when the road closure comes into operation. Vehicles carrying livestock can arrive from 7am on Fair Day. Further details will be provided on application.
Vintage Machinery
Information about how to access the site on fair day will be published here soon. If you’re interested in entering and displaying your vintage machine, please see the Vintage page for entry details.